Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

If you notice any changes in your pet’s behavior, such as lethargy, decreased activity, disinterest in eating, abnormal drinking patterns, vomiting blood, or if they have gotten into the trash or ingested unusual food, it’s essential to take action. First, withhold their food and call us to schedule an appointment. We will conduct a thorough examination and may perform x-rays or blood work if necessary.

Even if your pet doesn’t exhibit the mentioned symptoms after vomiting, it’s still crucial to monitor them closely for any recurrence. Remove their food for 12 hours while ensuring they have access to water at all times. If there is no further vomiting after the 12-hour period, you can feed them a mixture of two parts cooked whole rice and one part boiled chicken or lean hamburger for a day or two.

However, if vomiting persists for more than 24 hours or occurs multiple times within 24 hours, withhold food and promptly make an appointment for an examination, x-rays, and/or blood work. Our team is here to ensure your pet’s well-being and provide the necessary care to address any health concerns. Contact us immediately if you have any worries about your beloved furry friend.

If your pet’s stools do not exhibit extreme watery consistency, do not contain fresh blood or appear dark black and tarry, and if there is no vomiting or excessive straining, you can take the following steps. Firstly, withhold food for 12 hours while ensuring they have access to water at all times. After the 12-hour period, you can try feeding them a bland diet consisting of cooked white rice and boiled chicken or lean hamburger. Mix one part meat with two parts rice for the meal.

However, if the diarrhea worsens, you observe any of the signs mentioned earlier, or if the condition does not improve within 24 hours, please call to schedule an appointment for an examination. It is essential not to administer Pepto Bismol or Kaopectate to your pet (especially cats) without consulting our clinic first. Your pet’s health is our priority, and we are here to provide the necessary care and guidance to ensure their well-being. Contact us immediately if you have any concerns about your furry companion.

One option to discourage your dog from eating its stool is by using a product like “Forbid” or meat tenderizer, which can be sprinkled on its food to alter the taste of the stool, making it unappealing. Another approach is to “booby-trap” any stool in the yard with hot sauce, but it’s essential to be consistent with this method. If your dog encounters any stool that hasn’t been treated, it might take longer for the behavior to stop. Additionally, leash walking your dog and regularly cleaning up the yard can help reduce the opportunities for coprophagia to occur.

Fleas are tiny insects with a dark brown-black color. They are typically visible, especially around the base of the tail or on the belly of your dog. Fleas tend to move away quickly from light. Another sign to look for is “flea dirt,” which appears as dark and grainy material in your dog’s fur or on its skin. When this material gets moistened, it turns red, unlike regular dirt, which remains black even when wet.

Fleas are tiny insects with a dark brown-black color. They are typically visible, especially around the base of the tail or on the belly of your dog. Fleas tend to move away quickly from light. Another sign to look for is “flea dirt,” which appears as dark and grainy material in your dog’s fur or on its skin. When this material gets moistened, it turns red, unlike regular dirt, which remains black even when wet.